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Lower Carbon Footprint

Really it is how we like our world to be. The industrialized world prides itself of having topped in pushing contaminants into the environment around the world. We woke up just at the time when the damage was done and our lungs filled with gases, smoke, vehicle emissions and other pollutants the ruled and spoiled our health at the extreme. Lowering the carbon footprint is the call now. How many of us have responded? Are we in honesty lowering the this burden from the air that surrounds us, well, this could prove expensive for some giant manufacturers and lower their profitability. 


Cars became hybrid not for the sake of reducing or improving the impact of vehicle emission on the planet earth but to reduce the pressure of the use of expensive fuel, pushing sales of fuel saving vehicle higher. 


Air filter industry is not different from other goods manufacturing industry. Here the more you sell, the more you earn rule applies. This is simple. But how many of these manufacturers really think in the terms of lower carbon footprint? Everyone, I would say, for their marketing gig. You won’t hit the sales target if you sell less commercial air filters. 


Camfil took the challenge and took steps to reduce the impact by producing air filters that last longer and actually less in lower quantities. High efficiency with long life ultimately forces less air filters to be manufactured, less air filters to dumped in the landfills, fewer trucks to be moved out of the warehouse of the company to deliver stocks of air filters to the distributors forces less vehicle emission. Camfil efforts to lower the carbon footprint does not cease here. The company has gone against the numbers game and produced high quality air filters like 30/30, Durafil ES, and Hi-Flo air filters. These highly efficient air filters not only have a longer life cycle but have proved to be electrical energy saver 


Camfil says, “Using fewer filters is one tangible and critical advantage of Camfil's “green filter” technology. Using fewer filters means fewer trucks moving product from manufacturing plant to user location. And because there’s a reduction in cartons, fewer trees are cut, and additional fossil fuel and water conservation are achieved through reductions in the manufacturing of cardboard.” 


Quite an achievement by Camfil, isn’t it. Does any company have the GUTs of reducing the sale and impacting their profit target. Camfil did this for the sake of their environmental consciousness. The result was fewer filter changeouts, lower pressure of used air filter dumps in the landfills, lower vehicle emission due to fewer air filters moving out of the factory but at the same time had great impact on the ownership cost. This made Camfil air filters the talk of the town as owners and the managers of the commercial, industrial and institutional building started to favorably opt for Camfil air filters. 


Lower the Carbon footprint strategy by Camfil tells us that the commercial air filter company is an environmental friendly and socially responsible company but at that the same time, the research, development and hard work by the company in producing efficient air filters helped the company to stand out from its competition. 



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